The Relationship between Iron and Copper is everything.....​
Iron is the second most volatile mineral on the planet and Copper is the mineral that harnesses Iron and makes it behave. Without bio-available Copper, Iron goes into storage in the tissues instead of being recycled in the Iron Reticuloendothelial System. Over time the Iron storage builds up, creating physical symptoms. For example, when Iron builds in the macrophages of the immune system, it creates autoimmunity, causing the body to "attack itself". Copper is critical for numerous enzyme functions throughout the body and a low-fat diet forces the body to become a "Copper Dessert". Someone who has been labeled as being "anemic" is actually overloaded with Iron "stuck in the organs and tissues" and deficient in bio-available Copper.
Copper is bio-available in whole food forms. It is rich in Whole Food Vitamin C (especially acerola cherries), Beef Liver (desiccated is ok), and Bee Pollen (local is best). The Root Cause Protocol recommends consuming these on a regular basis.
Fe < > Cu
Ca < > Mg
Na < > K
The Electrolytes are important too...
Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium must be in proper balance. These minerals determine how well the body will handle stress on a daily basis. These minerals are also critical for everything from adrenal and thyroid function to the heart beat to how well the body retains fluids.